Education in a 10G World
Learning is no longer limited by time or place. Instead, students of all ages will enjoy immersive, personalized, and transportive educational experiences. Keep scrolling to see what the future could look like.
The Experiential Classroom
Learning will transcend the limits of students' physical reality.

- Children will visit other countries via digitalreality, chatting with avatars to learn thelanguage.
- 3D screens will bring history to life, allowinghistorical figures to appear before the class.
- Students will get creative using digital brushes,color palettes, and easels visible through smartglasses.
Study will seamlessly integrate between home and school.

- Robot companions will serve as teachers' aides,helping keep children on task while learning fromhome.
- Synthetic tutors will help students complete theirhomework.
- Parents and teachers will have access to datagathered by digital assistants to monitor progress andidentify challenges.

Enhanced Higher Education
Lessons are translated and enhanced by AI in real time.

- Synthetic media will simultaneously translatelivestreamed lectures, adjusting facialmovements to align with different languages.
- During lectures, intelligent conversationalinterfaces will display additional information thatis relevant or helpful.
- Contextual information will be relevant to astudent's field of study and educational goals, as well as anything else they wish to share.
Synthetic media provides personalized, scalable study aids.

- Support for students outside of lectures will beavailable independent of location.
- Synthetic media assistants will supportprofessors and aides.
- Digital assistants will also offer personalizedsupport for students and weekly study groupswith guided discussions.
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Get a closer look at life in the future, including opportunities and threats. These scenarios will help consumers, businesses, and policymakers prepare for the transformation 10G will bring.
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